Virtual Consulting For Communities, Media & Businesses on a Budget!

Virtual Consulting


Strategies adopted by local communities and news-media companies to assure survival must change and adapt to meet the current economic and social realities of each local community. Understanding that each community and local media company need specific and action-oriented objectives and goals to create the truly-local mindset which serves as the ultimate catalyst for community and media revitalization is critical.

“Building Main Street, not Wall Street” along with the 360 Media Alliance have combined to provide a Digital Retainer consulting opportunity to all communities and news-media organizations in small to medium sized communities. This unique service provides each community/news-media organization with an affordable entry point for year-round access to experts who can not only assist in setting goals, but advise and participate along the way.


Your community and/or news-media organization will be given access to industry experts in the field of revitalization, media, communications, marketing, branding, events and more to provide strategies, goals and proven winning formulas of success:

  • Building synergies between community and the media
  • Creative economic resiliency strategies
  • Marketing & Branding campaigns & assistance
  • Developing community uniting campaigns
  • Building new events that bring the community together

The above is a small sample of the services we provide with the “Digital Retainer” consulting service. Here are a few additional highlights associated with the program:

  • Monthly rates for the “Digital Retainer” services range from $300 to $800 for virtual consulting
  • Monthly dedicated specific hours range from 4 to 10 hours per month
  • Monthly hours can be banked up to 24 hours, this can be credited allowing for an in-market visit option as well
  • Contract terms range from 6 months to 2 years (discounts available with 1 and 2 years terms)
  • Virtual conferencing included in cost.
  • All contracts include a 25% reduction for any on-site trainings

For more information, contact John Newby at:

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