Assisting LOCAL Communities, Business & Media Build Solid Foundations Together!

Local-Media, Communities, Chambers, Main Streets and Businesses are under attack as never before.  From COVID mandates, taxes, government regulations, Wall Street companies expanding and more, their future is at risk.

The 360 Media Alliance is proud to partner with Truly-Local focusing our efforts on tackling the above issues as we head into our 12th year of existence. Like the organizations above, we will pivot to assure we meet their needs. Thanks to our outstanding boards giving their time and energy, we can move forward adapting to the economic climate around us.

Our mission is:
“Assist LOCAL Communities, Chambers, Media, and Businesses in building synergies that lead to a stronger foundations & communities.”

Vibrant communities can create vibrant media companies and vice-versa. The future revenue model for both can be viewed as a three-legged stool.  The first leg is the traditional side of the economy or business, it provides the largest revenue stream for most communities and local media.  The second leg consists of the digital or online assets, this new leg is a growing portion of the revenue model. The 360 Media Alliance and Truly-Local are creating a third or fourth leg which balances the stool. This critical leg/legs are the ones determining our future, it consist of alternative revenue streams.  These are made up of enhanced communication, newsletters, niche products, loyalty and retention of consumers, building a truly-local DNA, education and much more.

The 360 Media Alliance is partnering with Truly-Local expanding their mission to help save communities, local media, businesses and more.  Weak communities will be unable to support businesses and local media in the future.  Local media can help save themselves by improving the quality of life and vibrancy in their communities. Local media may be the only local business positioned to assist communities in the most important aspect of growing their community.

Our strategic and tailored-made strategy can be adopted by ANY community, local media or business propelling them on the path to revenue growth, strategic alliances within the community, and places them as the informational community town square. It require no new resources, it is simply adopting a slightly adjusted mindset that helps align the community, local media and business base with their community in many ways. You embrace them, they will embrace you back.

The  360 Media Alliance and Truly-Local are dedicated to our business partners. These partners not only have the ability to assist entire communities, local media and businesses, but they have the ability to make a real difference in the local communities returning a renewed vibrancy and growth. We invite everyone to join with us in our effort.  Saving local communities, media & business is a worthy cause, “We The People“, are that worthy cause, lets get it done!

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